'Control Your Energy Destiny or Someone Else Will.'


NitroCool 180 with a SEER level from 80 to 320 minimum of *160 to 320 + Energy-efficient cooling system utilizing cabon-free technology. A patent pending cooling system that cools with air or liquid and the energy costs 10% of a traditional heat pump cooling.
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Why Modern Thermal Design For Data Center?

By using twenty-four 550W Solar PV panels with battery and four hours of peak sun, the result is 100% carbon-free emission.

Cost Effectiveness of the NITROCOOL 180

With the NITROCOOL 180 it will cost on grid $8.00 per day at $0.15 per KWH for 60tons of cooling. A typical 60-ton chiller will cost $72.00 per day with the same power supply.

Why Modern Thermal Design for Data Center?

Design-buil services refer to a project delivery method in which a single entity, usually a design-build firm, is responsible for both the design and construction of a project. This contrasts with the traditional desing-bid build method. MTD offer this method of project design, management and completion of its projects. One entity and done.

Design-build services offer several advantages, to name a few:

For questions in the future, please feel free to contact us:

Our Engineers/Designers
Bill Selkirk, Don Crawmer, Perry Johnson
Office:(317) 505-9200

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