'Control Your Energy Destiny or Someone Else Will.'

Family Reunion Offsets

$9.95 / month
SKU FRO Category

Certificate Sample


There are few things that bring out the personality of a family more than the annual reunion. Mon & Dad, both sets of grandparents, the weird uncle you barely know, and cousins you no longer recognize. No matter what your family looks like, how big or small, functional or dysfunctional they are family and the ones you count on when there is trouble.

Well each of us has a carbon footprint: if you drive, talk on the phone, stop for coffee, grab a slice at the food truck or light a fire in the backyard pit. Yep, you are part of the problem and so is everyone at the reunion.

You Can Offset your Carbon Footprint for a little at $7.50/ month or offset the last reunion in a one-time offset.