'Control Your Energy Destiny or Someone Else Will.'

College Scholarships

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Modern Thermal Design - Eco Scholarships

Scholarship Information

Modern Thermal Design, a premier renewable energy company, is looking for eco-conscious students across the US to showcase their ideas to aid us in a greener, brighter future!For the Spring Semester and Fall Semesters we will be awarding deserving students a scholarship of $1,000 to further their education, in whatever major they are pursuing.


  • Applicants should be currently enrolled or have been accepted to enroll in an accredited college or university in the U.S.
  • Applicants should also maintain a good grade point average and include a copy of their transcript and their completed application using our online form.


March 15th, 2023


Please author an essay about the following subject: Climate change is impacting all of us in dramatic ways. If you were the person in charge of finding a solution to present to both the public and private sector, where would you start and what would you recommend? The essay should be between 800-1000 words in length.

To Apply

To apply, complete the application form found on this page.

Scholarship Payment

Payment will be made directly to your school’s financial aid office via check to be credited to any scholastically related fees.  and we refer you to cheap dedicated server hosting Your school’s financial aid website will typically show their favored address for outside scholarship providers. However, you should also be able to find this information at the front desk.

Terms and conditions

Applicants accepted from any accredited college or university.

Students should have a good grade point average.

Modern Thermal Design will consider all applications received.

Winner holds all rights to their essay but we reserve the right to include it in our announcement of the winning student with their approval.

Applicant’s details on our internal server will be deleted after the deadline.


We will not market, share, or publicly supply any personal data you provide with your scholarship application. All personal data that you tender will be used entirely for scholarship selection.


Modern Therman Design believes in an equal chance for all applicants. We will not be influenced by race, religion, gender, national origin, sexual preference, disability, or any other legally protected category when selecting scholarship winners.

College Scholarships Form


Academic Information

Are you a United States Citizen or authorized to attend school in the United States?*

Academic Requirements

Accepted file types: pdf, Max. file size: 512 MB.
Drop files here or
Max. file size: 512 MB.


    The Spring Semester 2023 Scholarship Winner

    Olivia Grammel
    Xavier University
    Award: $1,000

    The Modern Thermal Design team is excited to announce Olivia Grammel as the winner of The Modern Thermal Design College Scholarship for $1,000. Olivia attends Xavier University.