Payment will be made directly to your school’s financial aid office via check to be credited to any scholastically related fees. and we refer you to cheap dedicated server hosting Your school’s financial aid website will typically show their favored address for outside scholarship providers. However, you should also be able to find this information at the front desk.
Applicants accepted from any accredited college or university.
Students should have a good grade point average.
Modern Thermal Design will consider all applications received.
Winner holds all rights to their essay but we reserve the right to include it in our announcement of the winning student with their approval.
Applicant’s details on our internal server will be deleted after the deadline.
We will not market, share, or publicly supply any personal data you provide with your scholarship application. All personal data that you tender will be used entirely for scholarship selection.
Olivia Grammel
Xavier University
Award: $1,000
The Modern Thermal Design team is excited to announce Olivia Grammel as the winner of The Modern Thermal Design College Scholarship for $1,000. Olivia attends Xavier University.
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