When we tie our micro-turbines to ASIC cryptomining miners, at $0.04-$0.06 per kWh your profits soar.
Why MTD:
- We offer complete custom package
- We purchase the ASIC miners of your choice
- We install the miners with our turbine package. A 65 kW microtrubine will run 15 ASIC machins safely.
- We use the waste heat from the turbine and combine it with our absorption chillers that runs off waste heat. Easy Cooling, less costly when using waste heat to cool with.
- We offer our IT Engineer, Buddika, to help you get all set up.
- Lastly, we have financing for the complete package, for qualified clients.
Don’t forget, when you use our USA Made turbines, and use the waste heat to cool with, you get 30% IRA tax credit for renewable energy.